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Hurricanes are a reality of life in Puerto Rico and our Green Energy Center Stoves can be used as a backup resource. We are working to have more stoves available for future disasters and we are also still working on lowering the price of the stoves.


We believe success begins with access, and our mission is to implement clean energy as an entrepreneurial project to improve livelihood and provide empowerment for people in need. GEC's long term vision is to have clean energy accessible for targeted communities.

Project Leader:


Caroline Kimani

The World Health Organization released a factsheet in 2016 noting that around 3 billion people worldwide cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung, and crop waste) and coal. In addition, over four million people in the world die prematurely from illness attributable to the household air pollution from cooking with solid fuels. 

Green Energy Center was launched as a sustainable product, combining two features: smokeless stove and electricity generation. Using a grant from CBS EcoMedia, In February 2018 three members of Enactus CityU went to Puerto Rico to collaborate with Enactus UPR Humacao.  The Humacao team has been working on their community center project which fits perfectly with the vision of our Green Energy Center project.

Community members were ecstatic to be able to utilize hurricane debris as fuel for the stove. Rachel Caparros, President of Enactus UPRH, explained how they had to rely on limited gas supply to cook their meals. We lit the stove and cooked chicken wings for snacks that afternoon. The community leader, Angel, was very impressed with how the stove performed. We were also able to recharge our cell phones as well. The electricity generated by a Thermal Electric Generator attached to the stove can produce enough power to recharge an LED light or cell phones each time they cook. Best of all, the biochar produced by the stove can be used in the new community garden.

As a Disaster Relief resource, GEC can use hurricane debris as the stove fuel, provide biochar for gardens when the rebuilding of the food supply is ready, and generate power to recharge cell phones needed in emergency situations.

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